
Birds + Diet & Nutrition

  • Toucans and toucanets are members of the family of birds called Rhamphastidae. They require a high-moisture diet and have a relatively short digestive tract, so food moves quickly through their digestive tract. Low-iron pellets and fruits should make up most of their daily diet. Iron storage disease, called hemosiderosis, is common in these birds when they are fed a diet high in iron.

  • Lipomas are fatty tumors that affect a variety of pet birds. These are typically benign fatty growths found under the skin. It is classically considered to have both a nutritional and genetic factor for development.

  • Xanthomas are discrete masses or diffuse, thickened areas of skin that are yellow-orange and dimpled in appearance. They are accumulations of fat and cholesterol and are most commonly found in cockatiels and budgies (and they are more often found in females).

El Cerrito PetVet Petfood Location

6000 Potrero Ave.
El Cerrito CA, 94530

Phone: 510-215-5101

Oakland PetVet Petfood Location

4820 Broadway
Oakland, California, 94611

Phone: (510) 652-9822