
Dogs + Behavior & Training

  • Dog Behavior and Training: Play and Exercise

    Jugar con los propietarios y con otros perros no sólo proporciona ejercicio al perro sino que también satisface sus necesidades sociales. La falta de ejercicio puede contribuir a problemas como la hiperexcitabilidad, el comportamiento destructivo, la búsqueda constante de atención, la vocalización excesiva (ladridos), etc. Es especialmente importante asegurarse de que el perro ha hecho suficiente ejercicio antes de dejarlo solo en casa.

  • This breed is known for his gentle, affectionate, friendly disposition. Unlike many breeds, Keeshonden (the plural for this breed) aren't one-person dogs; they are equally devoted to all family members, and can be equally effusive in greeting friends of the family. True to their roots, they also will sound the alarm if a stranger dares to approach family territory.

  • Fiercely loyal, surprisingly comical, full of energy, and brimming with affection for his friends, the Kerry Blue is a classic terrier type. Kerries are sturdy enough to play with responsible kids, big enough to intimidate burglars, energetic enough to be a good exercise buddy, vocal enough to play watchdog, and companionable enough to share your life.

  • Few breeds can elicit the double-takes that this walking mound of white dreadlocks inspires, but the mystique of the Komondor is far more than fur-deep. This is a tough character, ready to serve and protect, but not necessarily in that order.

  • Who says you cannot be a giant, intimidating guardian dog, and also pretty? The Kuvasz says so, and who is going to argue? This pretty white dog with the sweet face and tough nature makes an effective flock guardian and also a protective companion. The question is, can you handle her?

  • Dog Behavior and Training: Neutering and Behavior

    Cuando son machos, muchos animales de compañía, de trabajo o de producción se castran, a menos que se quieran utilizar como reproductores. La castración es una práctica muy común para prevenir comportamientos sexuales inadecuados, reducir la agresividad y evitar la descendencia accidental o indiscriminada.

  • The Lab is the number one dog in popularity for a reason. The sweet, faithful lab will play fetch and entertain kids until the last one is worn out and then bring the ball to you. And for someone who wants a companion on hikes or romps in the park, one needs look no further. As long as people do not mind dog hair on the sofa, the good black dress and in the coffee, a Lab is easy care.

  • Brimming with charm, an infectious zest for life, and energy most people can only sit back and envy, the Lakeland Terrier makes a great family pet, keeping everybody entertained with his curiosity and the many adventures he manufactures for himself.

  • Gentle, calm and friendly, these good-natured watchers make excellent family dogs. They are affectionate and incredibly patient with children, love to be included in family activities, and will wait patiently if you stop to talk on an outing. They are calm indoors and their affectionate personality makes them excellent therapy dogs.

  • These not-so-fragile small dogs are even-tempered and adapt well to most human environments, especially city life. They do not yap at any noise or movement they hear or see, and are not nervous dogs. Despite the glamorous look of their well-groomed coats, they often display clown-like behavior with a delightful and entertaining desire to play.

El Cerrito PetVet Petfood Location

6000 Potrero Ave.
El Cerrito CA, 94530

Phone: 510-215-5101

Oakland PetVet Petfood Location

4820 Broadway
Oakland, California, 94611

Phone: (510) 652-9822